Fit Diary: HIIT & Abs

It's day 2 of 154! I'm putting my newfound knowledge of intuitive eating to work and slowly getting back into a routine again. So far, my goals are simple. Super simple. Easy peasy. I'm going to workout 15 times over the next 22 days (bonus points to me if I workout more!) and drink around 80 oz. of water a day. Two things I can COMPLETELY control, yes. I thought that would be the best place to start, instead of throwing myself into a completely new program or plan and try to accommodate everything around it, I'm accommodating everything to moi.

Why haven't I thought of this before?

I still don't have a name for this little plan of mine, but here's the basics.
Every 22 days I will:
implement up to seven healthy lifestyle habits, focus on affirmations based on intuitive eating and the Word, track my progress in my bullet journal, all while forming a daily spiritual and mindfulness practice to learn to appreciate the body God created for me and how to nourish it.

I figure focusing on 22 days at a time would be suitable, and progress monitoring around every 11 days. A few goals that I'm going to implement besides the workouts and 80 oz. or water are:
eating from home - to save money and cut back on fried and processed food
cut back on caffeine - to help lessen my anxiety and stressed out adrenals
veggies at every meal - to increase fiber intake and encourage my kids to eat healthier
and lastly, healthy dessert swaps - so I can still enjoy a treat without feeling deprived.

I think overall, tracking what I eat will help me keep in touch with portion sizes and how what I eat effects how I feel. Sleep is another issue, but once school resumes I will be in a better schedule since I will be waking up at the same time each day.

I'm looking forward to the next 152 days! I'll share what's coming up when I finally figure out what to call this plan of mine!

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